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Nordic’s nRF52840 Bluetooth LE SoC is Nordic’s most advanced ultra low power wireless solution. The SoC supports complex Bluetooth LE and other low-power wireless applications that were previously not possible with a single-chip solution. The nRF52840 is Bluetooth 5- and Thread 1.1-certified and its Dynamic Multiprotocol feature uniquely supports concurrent wireless connectivity of both protocols. The SoC combines a 64MHz, 32-bit ARM® Cortex® M4F processor with a 2.4GHz multiprotocol radio (supporting Bluetooth 5, ANT™, IEEE 802.15.4, and proprietary 2.4GHz RF software) with 1MB Flash memory and 256kB RAM. A new radio architecture with on-chip PA provides features -96dB RX sensitivity, a maximum output power of 8dBm, and a total link budget of >110dBm. The chip supports all the features of Bluetooth 5 (including 4x the range or 2x the raw data bandwidth (2Mbps)) compared with Bluetooth 4.2. Designed to address the inherent security challenges that are faced in IoT, the nRF52840 SoC incorporates the ARM® CryptoCell-310 cryptographic accelerator, offering best-in-class security.
The SoC is supplied with Nordic’s S140 SoftDevice, a Bluetooth 5-certified software protocol stack for building long range and high data Bluetooth LE applications. The S140 SoftDevice offers concurrent Central, Peripheral, Broadcaster, and Observer Bluetooth LE roles, and supports high throughput and long range modes as well as advertising extensions.
“We used Nordic’s nRF51422 SoC in an earlier product and learned during development about the advantages and features the Nordic chips offered, the separation of the SoftDevice and application code, the quality of support, and the good reference designs,” says Dr -Ing. Johannes Kreuzer, Cosinuss Founder and CEO. “For the degree thermometer we need a compact chip, with a large memory capacity, and very low power consumption, so the decision to change to the nRF52840 was very fast and easy.”
“This is an early and innovative health application based on Nordic’s most advanced chip, the nRF52840 SoC,” says Geir Langeland, Director of Sales & Marketing with Nordic Semiconductor. “The in-ear thermometer takes advantage of the chip’s large Flash memory allocation to allow for an increased data buffering capability.”
The degree° in-ear thermometer will be commercially available from early 2018.
Let us help you build a wearable that will stand out in the health and fitness market