Hannah McKeirnan


Product Description

The main purpose of the device is for scheduling and facilitating social interaction with neighbours/friends/family through a combination of the screen visuals, the timing features, and the voice features. Each device can be set up to be paired with a selected ‘buddy’ which can be a neighbour, friend, or family member. The user(s) can share their emotions with their ‘buddy’ prompting empathy and communication. They can also send voice messages to each other through the recording feature, setting timers/alarms for each other (permission). Ultimately the product's use is to ease the effects of loneliness through routine, planning, social reminders, and prompting connection. Reminders for/reassurance about regular routines are provided by the clock and alarm features. Voice messaging is facilitated by the voice memo feature, where the user can record a voice memo and send it to the device’s ‘buddy’.  Used for reminders, check ins, comforting, and prompting extended interaction.

Why entered the competition?

As a product designer I am dedicated to designing for the future. And am motivated to design products that are innovative and sustainable. My goal is to create useful products which have a positive impact on the world. I decided to enter the Connect the Community Design Challenge as I was inspired by the challenge and its potential to benefit communities. The impact of the current COVID-19 pandemic can be seen everywhere, creating isolation and negative effects on mental health. Problem areas which are devastating but motivated me to design a potential solution to improve the situation. 

Can you briefly outline how your design helps people isolated by Covid-19 ?   

The buddy device helps people isolated bu Covid-19 by scheduling daily life and facilitating social interaction with neighbours/friends/family through a combination of the screen visuals, the timing. The device is not designed to be used as a phone as this could discourage other forms of interaction. Therefore, the voice memos can be used for reminders, check ins, comforting, and prompting extended interaction. The device allows people to stay occupied and have fun by the ability to play games and organise connections. As well as its function to allow the user to schedule activities. Similarly, it facilitates ways to keep the user mentally active by its use of timing and voice memos. Finally, it provides ways to ask for help while self-isolating using the memos

Can you explain what motivated you to come up with such a solution and take the time and effort to enter this challenge ?

I was motivated by the opportunity for innovation to help people and was excited to have a productive project to complete during lockdown.

Can you briefly explain how your solution works both in terms of features and functionality (does it use an app, is it battery powered, what are the key functional blocks) ?

The buddy device can be set up to be paired with a selected ‘buddy’ which can be a neighbour, friend, or family member. The user(s) can share their emotions with their ‘buddy’ prompting empathy and communication. They can also end voice messages to each other through the recording feature and set timers/alarms for each other (with permission). Ultimately the products use is to ease the effects loneliness through routine, planning, social reminders, and prompting connection. Reminders for/reassurance about regular routines are provided by the clock and alarm features, allowing the user to set their own alarms and record voice memos to be set for specific times. This can be used for a variety of reasons such as waking up, taking medications, setting times for hobbies, reminders to make calls, and a bedtime. Voice messaging is facilitated by the voice memo feature, where the user can record a voice memo and send it to the device’s

How are the above features enabled technically including any Nordic chips and wireless technologies used, battery life (if applicable), sensors employed etc.?

The devices connect to their buddy using Bluetooth. They are mains charged but can function on battery for an extended amount of time.

Is this design a brand new concept or an evolution of something you’ve worked on / developed / were developing before ?

The concept is new design. However, a previous project I completed before, focusing on young adult loneliness, was a helpful starting point for research and concept potential. The final concept was a new unique design different from the other project concept.

Can you give us a brief summary of your background / career and where you would like to take your career in the future if you are a student ?

I have just graduated a MSci in Product Design and Innovation at the University of Strathclyde. I am currently looking for a job in the design industry and have the future goals of designing and producing products which improve lives.