Industrial-grade wireless mesh for HVAC & Building Automation

WEBINAR | JANUARY 20, 2021 | 9 AM & 5 PM CET


Industrial-grade wireless mesh for HVAC & Building Automation

From lightsabers in Hollywood to temperature sensors in Finland - LumenRadio's technology is being used wherever there's a need for ultra-reliable connectivity for mission-critical applications, built on Nordic’s Bluetooth Low Energy SoCs. In a world where increased interference is a reality, their Cognitive Coexistence technology future-proofs your product and provides a good night's sleep. Wireless without worries!

The agenda for this Nordic Partner Webinar:

  • Real-time chaotic adaptive frequency-hopping - optimal channel selection and additional horsepower
  • Concurrent Bluetooth - time-sharing the radio between different stacks to offer both performance and flexibility
  • W-Modbus - easily retrofitting legacy HVAC & Building Automation devices with wireless connectivity
  • Reality check (customer case) - how Produal are running HVAC controls networks using wireless mesh on batteries for 5+ years


Date: January 20

Time: 9:00 AM CET / 04:00 PM HKT & 5:00 PM CET / 11:00 AM ET

Duration: 45 minutes plus live Q&A

The recording is now available: 

YouTube video



Peter Lindkvist

Erik Orrskog

Robin Saltnes
