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High power consumption in System ON sleep mode

I am working on nrf52832 based custom board which is configured to work as BLE peripheral and central. Peripherals like GPIO, SAADC, I2C, Timer and RTC are also configured. The RTC is configured to generate interrupt on a specific time interval. On that interrupt value of few sensors are read which is interfaced via SAADC and I2C. Rest of the time the device will go to system ON sleep to reduce power consumption. A GPIO based sensor is also configured to generate interrupt in both sleep and awake states. So when an RTC interrupt is occurred, SAADC, I2C and Timer peripherals are initialized and read the sensor values. Then the peripherals are de initialized and goes to sleep. I have checked the current consumption in sleep state using nRF power profiler and is about 700 micro Amps. But it's too high. I want to reduce this to below 100 micro



Error on tfm_builtin_key_loader after flash and nrf5340 custom board flashing

Hello, I am developing on a custom board with the nrf5340 and programming through SWD using the nrf5340dk. A few days ago everything was running fine and I was able to continuously test and debug my application code for my board. However, yesterday during mid development, I started receiving these errors: [error] [ Client] - Encountered error -90: Command read_memory_descriptors executed for 2 milliseconds with result -90 [error] [ Worker] - Can't read memory descriptors, ap-protection is enabled. [error] [ Client] - Encountered error -90: Command erase_file executed for 123 milliseconds with result -90 [error] [ nRF53] - Failed while detecting device memory block protection status! [error] [ nRF53] - Failed while erasing device. -90: Access protection is enabled, can't read block protection state. [error] [ Worker] - Access protection is enabled, can't read block protection state. ERROR: The operation attempted is unavailable due to readback protection in ERROR: your



section placement macros correction in nrf52810

Hello, I am creating a new project that uses the nRF52810 as my controller, and during the development stage, I am using the PCA10040 nRF52832 development board. (I read somewhere that we can flash the nRF52810 code into the nRF52832 PCA10040 development board). My requirement is a simple LED indicator based on delay commands from an APK that uses the Nordic UART service to send and receive data. I added the timer peripheral to the ble_app_uart example project from the directory nRF5_SDK_17.0.2_d674dde\examples\ble_peripheral\ble_app_uart\pca10040e\s112\ses and flashed the code onto the PCA10040 nRF52832 development board to test it. The code works perfectly. Then I took an nRF52810 custom PCB and connected the JTAG. The board is able to detect and erase the chip. When I flash the code onto the board, the IDE shows "flash successful," but the board is not working. i think the issue is with the flash and RAM memory



Bluetooth and ESB switch

Hi Q&A Recently, the Bluetooth communication protocol (nrf52833) was added to the ESB, both can communicate normally, but there is a problem when switching between the two, the procedure is as follows: static void ble_stack_init(void) { ret_code_t err_code; err_code = nrf_sdh_enable_request(); APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code); ASSERT(nrf_sdh_is_enabled()); uint32_t ram_start = 0; err_code = nrf_sdh_ble_default_cfg_set(APP_BLE_CONN_CFG_TAG, &ram_start); APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code); err_code = nrf_sdh_ble_enable(&ram_start); //nrf_sdh_ble_enable APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code); NRF_SDH_BLE_OBSERVER(m_ble_observer, APP_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO, ble_evt_handler, NULL); } for (;;) { if(running_mode != previous_mode){ previous_mode = running_mode; if(running_mode == BLE_MODE) //Bluetooth mode { NRF_LOG_INFO("BLE mode"); nrf_drv_clock_lfclk_release(); err_code = nrf_esb_disable(); APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code); ble_stack_init(); ble_hrs_app_start(); app_sched_resume(); advertising_start(false); } else if(running_mode == PROPRIETARY_MODE) //2.4G mode { NRF_LOG_INFO("PROPRIETARY mode"); my_ble_stop_advitising(); ble_hrs_app_stop(); ble_stack_stop(); nrf_drv_clock_lfclk_request(NULL); esb_initial(); } } } When called [nrf_esb_write_payload(&tx_payload)] An error occurred when switching to Bluetooth after communication. Without invoking it Bluetooth and ESB can be silky switched. The trace found the error at this point in the nrf_sdh_disable_request() function.



'Disk Not Ejected Properly' Message on Mac

Hello, I am using a nrf Development kit and I have it plugged in into a mac laptop. It works fine, but I keep getting the message that says: Disk Not Ejected Properly Eject "JLINK" before disconnecting or turning it off. Please see attached image. It pops up many times and is very annoying. Why does this occur? How can I fix this? Thanks, Reuben



Macro controlling multiple devices as a global macro?

Hi, I'm new to all this, I'm using the nRF Connect app and it's amazing! I'd like to know if there's a way to: 1. create a global macro controlling multiple devices? 2. store values through macros, with a public scope that can be accessed from the other device's macro? 3. run multiple macros at the same time? My goal is to read the HR from a Polar H10 and control the speed of my FTMS treadmill based on that. Any tips, leading to guides or other apps even would be much appreaciated! Thanks!



Regarding HTTPS client implementation

I wanted to integrate https client in my code, for that I referred the sample code https_client and also the code available on Wifi Fundamentals course. When I executed the course for it got connected to the server but the hostname on the browser shows that it is non secure. Similarly when I tried using it for by generating a separate certificate for it it was giving me "Software caused connection abort" error. I actually wanted to use https for google cloud storage to upload the files, for that I created a separate private bucket to upload the same but it was also giving me the same error I am not able to understand exactly that where the actual issue is is it related to the certificate or maybe something else I am providing the code for reference



mcuboot does not work when porting from nrf 2.4.2 to nrf 2.7.0 ERROR: local configuration file not found

Description : I am experiencing a build issue after porting my project from nRF SDK 2.4.2 to nRF SDK 2.7.0. The project involves using the nRF5340 and was building successfully with SDK 2.4.2. However, after upgrading to SDK 2.7.0, I encounter the following error during the build process: ERROR: local configuration file not found We suspect that the issue might be related to changes in the mcuboot integration and the new sysbuild system introduced in SDK 2.7.0. Despite following the migration guide, it seems that some configuration files or settings are missing or incorrectly set. Build Command : west build -p always -b ${NRF5xx_BOARD} -s ../nRF5340 -d ../nRF5340/build Error Output : Memory region Used Size RegionSize %age Used FLASH: 32412 B 48 KB 65.94% RAM: 16552 B 40 KB 40.41% IDT_LIST: 0 GB 32 KB 0.00% Generating files from /workspaces/sigma7/nRF5340/build/mcuboot/zephyr/zephyr.elf for board: sigma7_a0_nrf5340 ERROR: local configuration file not found ninja:



QSPI NOR power manager errrors when CONFIG_PM_DEVICE_RUNTIME is set

I recently enabled power management in my code base by adding these two oiptions to my prj.conf: CONFIG_PM_DEVICE = y CONFIG_PM_DEVICE_RUNTIME = y The code runs on an nRF5340 MCU with a LittleFS instance in an external MX25R64 QSPI flash. It all worked fine until I enabled the two options above in prj.conf, now I get this error each time the MCU starts: qspi_nor: pm_device_runtime_put failed: -16 It appears that things continue to work normally though, but I've yet to run extensive read/write tests on the external flash and the above error is a bit concerning. I also have CONFIG_NORDIC_QSPI_NOR_XIP= y in my prj.conf, which (among other things) is supposed to keep the external flash from sleeping if I understood correctly (I need this for various reasons). Does anybody know how concerned I should be about this error? Thank you.



Bonding issue when using synthesized clock (BLE on NRF5340)

Hi, I cannot bond to NRF5340DK running the `peripheral_ancs_client` sample if external oscillator configuration is disabled (thus using synthesized from HFCLK). Environment OS: Linux Toolchain zephyr-sdk-0.16.8 NRF5340DK NCS 2.7 (sdk-nrf v2.7.0 and zephyr v3.6.99-ncs2) To Reproduce In the sample `samples/bluetooth/peripheral_ancs_client`, run the following command: west build -b nrf5340dk/nrf5340/cpuapp -d build_bond west flash -d build_bond Then using `nrf connect` on Android, try to bond to the device `ANCS` => YOU CAN BOND to the device In the sample `samples/bluetooth/peripheral_ancs_client`, edit `prj.conf` by adding the following configurations: CONFIG_SOC_ENABLE_LFXO=n CONFIG_CLOCK_CONTROL_NRF_K32SRC_SYNTH=y Then run the following command: west build -b nrf5340dk/nrf5340/cpuapp -d build_bug west flash -d build_bug Then using `nrf connect` on Android, try to bond to the device `ANCS` (Don't forget to remove the old bonding) => YOU CANNOT BOND to the device Expected behavior You should be able to bond in both clock configuration. Impact I can't bond to a custom board (NRF5340)

