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CIS mode of nRF5340 Audio

I believe that when the nRF5340 operates in LE-Audio CIS mode, the Gateway and Headset are connected, but where is the bonding information set in the source?



nRF5340 Audio

I am thinking of developing it by reusing the nRF5340 DK circuit and the nR5340_Audio sample program. I don't know where the nRF5340's switches and LED pins are assigned in the nR5340_Audio sample program. Please tell me the file you are setting.



SPI transfer stuck at while (!nrf_spim_event_check(p_spim, NRF_SPIM_EVENT_END)){}

I am using a PCA10056 Dev Kit to test the accel sensor(IIS3DWB). But the SPI transfer is stuck at the line below. while (!nrf_spim_event_check(p_spim, NRF_SPIM_EVENT_END)){} Here is more information. 1.ST provided an official driver which should can be transplanted to any platform if the SPI write and read function is defined. 2.My implementation is showed below uint8_t SpiInOut (stmdev_ctx_t* spi_ctx, uint8_t outData) { uint32_t err_code; uint8_t inData ; if ((spi_ctx == NULL) || (&(spi_ctx->spi_handle) == NULL)) { APP_ERROR_CHECK_BOOL (false); } err_code = nrf_drv_spi_transfer (&(spi_ctx->spi_handle), &outData, 1, &inData, 1); APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code); return inData; } int32_t SpiWriteRegisters(void* handle, uint8_t reg, const uint8_t* buffer, uint16_t len) { UNUSED_PARAMETER(handle); GpioWrite(&iis3dwb_.spi.Nss, 0); SpiInOut(&iis3dwb_.spi, reg); for(uint16_t i = 0; i < len; i++) { SpiInOut(&iis3dwb_.spi, buffer[i]); } GpioWrite(&iis3dwb_.spi.Nss, 1); return 0; } int32_t SpiReadRegisters(void* handle, uint8_t reg, uint8_t* buffer, uint16_t len) { UNUSED_PARAMETER(handle); // Set first bit to 1; reg |= 0x80; GpioWrite(&iis3dwb_.spi.Nss, 0); SpiInOut(&iis3dwb_.spi, reg); for(uint16_t



NRF9160 https_client does not connect to

1. am currently using the nrf9161_dk. and have not modified the modem FW in anyway. 2. I am using the vscode extension provided by nordic to build/run this sample a, i am using version v2.4.1 for the SDK 3. this is my build config. with this configuration get the err 111 which when i look it up means #define ECONNREFUSED 111 /* Connection refused */ this is the output: *** Booting Zephyr OS build v3.3.99-ncs1-2 *** HTTPS client sample started Certificate mismatch Provisioning certificate Waiting for network.. PDP context 0 activated OK Looking up Resolved (AF_INET) Connecting to connect() failed, err: 111 PDP context 0 network detached So then i tried adding mbed tools as well: build config with mbed tool: and i get this errno 22 #define EINVAL 22 /* Invalid argument */ So then i has a thingy91 and decided to test that dev kit



Power supply configuration for external regulator (3V3 input input)

I've followed the reference circuitry pretty explicitly ( here ), however, I want to confirm that this configuration will give me DCDCEN1 capability for power supply consumption reduction? It seems in the reference design I linked it said the functionality wasn't enabled, but I'm not sure if/why that's the case. Furthermore, I'd like to confirm I don't have any problems with the power supply portion of the design? Thanks!



how to disconnect a GPIO pin

i have a custom board that uses a nrf5340 that has been hardware modified so i can work again on getting my board to draw the mimimum power from the battery. i have a PPK2 kit to measure the power i am drawing. right now in SYSTEM_OFF state I am drawing about 600 ua.. i have several chips on the board that use a GPIO configured as an output pin to turn off a mosfet that controls their power. when the chip does not have power it looks like it is getting power via other GPIO pins coming through the ESD diodes. so I want to set all my GPIO pins that might be supply power to the unpowered IC on my board to be disconnected. I am using zephyr and think I should use GPIO_DISCONNECTED. I want the input buffer amplifier off the output pin off and any pullups



nPM1300 Details Missing from Datasheet

Hello, there seem to be a lot of technical details missing from the datasheet. In my case, I really need to know the capabilities of the load switches such as reverse current protection, leakage current, etc. My application will involve using the load switch to connect VSYS to VBUS. This is because I am using the same pin as an input and an output so it needs reverse current protection in case the switch is left on while 5V is applied to the same pin for charging. Also, the precision of the battery current measurement is not mentioned. The datasheet just says where the measurements are stored but not what the value of the LSB is.



Can't get BLE device to sleep

I have a custom PCBA with which has the flow of: - Boot - Advertise some temperature data read from TWI with a 5 second timeout using `ble_adv_fast_timeout`. - I then set a timer to wake the `app_timer_start(m_awake_timer_id, APP_TIMER_TICKS(SLEEP_IN_MS), NULL);` And I expect the device to go into sleep whilst its BLE is not advertising. Here's my main.c file: #include "app_timer.h" #include "nrf_pwr_mgmt.h" #include "nrf_crypto_init.h" #include "nrfx_clock.h" #include "SEGGER_RTT.h" #include "nrf_log.h" #include "nrf_log_ctrl.h" #include "nrf_log_default_backends.h" #include "nrf_delay.h" #include "customble.h" #include "peripheral.h" #include "encryption.h" void timers_init(void) { ret_code_t err_code = app_timer_init(); APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code); } static void idle_state_handle(void) { if (NRF_LOG_PROCESS() == false) { nrf_pwr_mgmt_run(); } } /**@brief Function for initializing power management. */ void power_management_init(void) { ret_code_t err_code; err_code = nrf_pwr_mgmt_init(); APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code); } int main(void) { NRF_LOG_INIT(NULL); NRF_LOG_DEFAULT_BACKENDS_INIT(); ret_code_t reta = nrf_crypto_init(); APP_ERROR_CHECK(reta); timers_init(); ble_timers_init(); ble_stack_init(); power_management_init(); gap_params_init(); advertising_init(); advertising_start(); for (;;) { idle_state_handle(); } } and here's the relevant sections of



Trouble flashing nrf9160-DK through any options

I am recently trying to get up and running with the nrf9160-DK and have been unable to flash the board successfully even with the Quick start (v0.2.6) app in nrf Connect. The log file shown below. Initially I did not get the warning 'JLINK version does not match' but after installing JLINK in an attempt to debug the initial flashing issue this started popping up as well. I have also tried setting up the VSCode environment and have an error there as well "FATAL ERROR: required program nrfjprog not found; install it or add its location to PATH" I have searched this error and consequently added the recommended variable to path My DK seems to have the standard asset tracking firmware on it because I have successfully connected my board to the nrfCloud and setup the SIM card. I am able to see data flowing into the cloud environment but



BLE AoA with Active Scanning on nRF5340dk

I've been working on setting up a direction finding tag with the nrf5340dk. I have an AoA locator set up that advertises with ADV_IND packets, and I'd like to setup my tag to respond with SCAN_REQ packets and then have the locator respond again with a SCAN_RSP. To do this, I used the direction_finding_central sample from the SDK to start with. I have a BLE Packet sniffer setup and i noticed that I never see the SCAN_REQ packets despite having Active Scanning enabled, instead I only see CONNECT_IND in response to an advertisement. I realize that this is because this is a connection based direction finding sample, so my question is two part. 1. Is it possible to have a connection based direction_finding_central sample to respond to advertisements with SCAN_REQ instead of CONNECT_IND? And if so where could I find the API for this? 2. If it's not possible, is

