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Bluetooth Mesh: Chat

Is there anyone who has working code for a BLE mesh that can exchange character based data between (2) nRF52 devices and also a mobile device?



Problem when calling the CreatePolicy operation. Policy document is Malformed: Invalid policy syntax

Hello, I am trying to get the asset tracker v2 working on the DEV board nRF9151-DK. I have got the asset tracker v2 to compile , and also started the process with the at_client, and now at the AWS_IOT stage in this link (3) Creating a policy I've created the policy.json file and ran the command below, but have received an error. Please let me know what to do to fix this. Thanks



Configuring SSD1306 shield with 64x32 pixel display.

I recently bought this display that is 64x32 pixels and uses the SSD1306 driver . When running the LVGL Basic Sample with the Zephyr ssd1306 _128x64 shield , the display works , but shows only the bottom center of what would show up on the 128x64 display . Zephyr does not have a ssd1306 _64x32 shield unfortunately , so I have tried changing the width and height in the devicetree like from 128->64 and from 64 ->32 like this : nrf52dk_nrf52832.overlay: / { chosen { zephyr,display = &ssd1306_ssd1306_128x64; }; }; &arduino_i2c { status = "okay"; ssd1306_ssd1306_128x64: ssd1306@3c { compatible = "solomon,ssd1306fb"; reg = 0x3c; width = 64; height = 32; segment-offset = 0; page-offset = 0; display-offset = 0; multiplex-ratio = 63; segment-remap; com-invdir; prechargep = <x22; }; }; but this results in the display freezing on whatever was showing before the flash . Any ideas on what I could



Undocumented Peripheral Power Enable - Request for clarification

Occasionally over the years we see suggestions to turn off and turn back on the undocumented power control bit for various peripherals to get around typically unexpectedly high power consumption when a peripheral behaves differently from expectations. Clearly this feature could be (and is) most useful; indeed there is no reason not to simply turn off all the unused peripheral power control bits to ensure performance in the field is not impacted by adverse events. With this in mind I tracked all the peripheral 0xFFC register fields on the nRF52833 and listed those with a 32-bit value of 1 (peripher power enabled): Power Enabled: AAR Power Enable 0x4000'FFFC=0x01 Power Enabled: CCM Power Enable 0x4000'FFFC=0x01 Power Enabled: COMP Power Enable 0x4001'3FFC=0x01 Power Enabled: ECB Power Enable 0x4000'EFFC=0x01 Power Enabled: EGU0 Power Enable 0x4001'4FFC=0x01 Power Enabled: EGU1 Power Enable 0x4001'5FFC=0x01 Power Enabled: EGU2 Power Enable 0x4001'6FFC=0x01 Power Enabled: EGU3 Power Enable 0x4001'7FFC=0x01



How can I read the logs from an external nrf52840 using VS Code and nRF5340-DK

Hello, I have Micromod nRF52840 module on a carrier board and I've built and flashed Matter Light Switch sample on it but I need to read the logs from the module How can I read the logs from this external nrf52840 module? Best regards, Basem



Help with streaming BLE audio with device as source

Hi there! I am trying to make an application that plays an audio sample to a BLE speaker (another nRF5340 running as headset) where the audio sample is in memory. I have based my code on the nRF5340 BLE audio example. During development, I am simply including the audio buffer from a header file (generated from a hex dump using xxd), and have my raw PCM data (encoded as 16-bit 48kHz) ready. My first approach which was giving promising results, was to "hijack" the BLE gateway example in the audio_system.c encoder thread next to where the test tone gets added. I simply gave myself a callback there which gave me a pointer to the buffer that was about to be encoded, and then I overwrote that data to the data from my sample instead with a memcpy() call. This very simple approach seemed to be working, but the processor could



Multi-link Central (Piconet) Sample for nRF Connect SDK

Hi, I am interested in creating a Bluetooth application to create a piconet (i.e. multi-link central). I found this sample application that uses the nRF5 SDK rather than the newer nRF Connect SDK: Are there any other piconet sample applications that use the nRF Connect SDK? If not, how should I get started implementing it myself? For instance, are there any existing nRF Connect SDK sample apps that could serve as a starting point?



PPK2 is always on COM4 Windows, even if it conflicts with another device

The PPK2 is always on COM4 on my Windows 11 machine, and I can't seem to change it. I bought a 2nd PPK2, and when I plug them both in, they are both on COM4. There is no "Port Settings" tab in the port properties to change it to something else.



More on peripheral_lbs sample program.

Greetings. This a follow-on to my prior question about the sample app "peripheral_lbs." The program obtains a value for variable "led_state" in response to a user keystroke on the "nRF Blinky" mobile app: static void app_led_cb ( bool led_state ) { dk_set_led ( USER_LED , led_state ); } . . . static struct bt_lbs_cb lbs_callbacs = { . led_cb = app_led_cb , . button_cb = app_button_cb , }; At the end of the program is an infinite loop which continually blinks another LED: for (;;) { dk_set_led ( RUN_STATUS_LED , ( ++ blink_status ) % 2 ); k_sleep ( K_MSEC ( RUN_LED_BLINK_INTERVAL )); } My questions are: What causes execution to abort the infinite loop in response to a user keystroke on the mobile app? Where specifically is the user keystroke detected which in turn switches the state of "led_state"? My goal is to execute a while loop as follows:



Thingy 53 Weather station demo doesn't work

I have new Thingy 53. Default Edge Inpulse demo works without any problem. But I have problem with Weather Station demo. First I tested Zigbee version. After flashing using nRF Programmer it doesn't do nothing. No LED action, can't connect to Zigbee coordinator (I have many Zigbee devices and newer had problem connecting them). Next I tested Matter version. Thingy should flash blue LED after start but LED is always on - not flashing. So this does something but not works as described in documentation. Is some problem on my side? Definitelly I'd like to use Zigbee version but currently device seems dead every time I flash it.

