Nordic-powered car seat safety solution alerts parents when child is unbuckled or unattended

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Holmbergs DigitalSafety uses Nordic nRF52832 SoC to send safety alerts from child car seat to smartphone app via Bluetooth LE

Halmstad, Sweden-based safety solutions company, Holmbergs, has launched a Bluetooth® LE-powered child car seat safety system designed to provide another layer of safety for children in vehicles. The ‘Holmbergs DigitalSafety™’ system features a wired connection between the ‘eBuckle™’ and the battery-powered proprietary ‘Connectivity Hub’ embedded in the child seat by manufacturers. 

Connectivity and core processing

Once paired to a user’s smartphone using the Bluetooth LE wireless connectivity provided by the integrated Nordic nRF52832 general purpose multiprotocol SoC, the Connectivity Hub can issue safety alarms via the proprietary Holmbergs DigitalSafety iOS/Android smartphone app. The app immediately alerts a parent or guardian if a child unbuckles themselves, or if the child is left buckled but unattended in a parked vehicle. If the child is still not attended to following an anti-abandon alert, a text message with a GPS location is sent to an emergency contact. Several car seats can be added and controlled through the one app.

We selected Nordic’s nRF52832 for the Connectivity Hub due to the SoC’s proven track record and suitable form factor
Maria Linnér, Holmbergs Digital Safety AB

In addition to the Bluetooth LE connectivity, the core processing for the application is powered by the nRF52832’s 64 MHz, 32-bit Arm® Cortex® M4 processor with floating point unit (FPU), and its generous 512 KB Flash memory and 64 KB RAM.

Suitable form factor

“We selected Nordic’s nRF52832 for the Connectivity Hub due to the SoC’s proven track record and suitable form factor,” says Maria Linnér, Managing Director, Holmbergs Digital Safety AB. “Nordic also offers very responsive and helpful technical support, as well as useful tools to simplify the development process.”

Holmbergs contributes to a number of sustainable development goals including: Good Health and well-being; Decent work and economic growth; Industry, innovation and infrastructure; and Sustainable cities and communities.